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Employee Benefit Options

Medical Benefits


AGA offers three medical plan options administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. All plans are Preferred Provider Organization plans.

All plans use the same network of providers who have agreed to charge discounted rates to plan members. The amount you pay for health care will vary depending on whether or not you use in-network providers and facilities. You always have the choice to go to any provider, but you’ll pay less if you stay within the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama network.

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  Premier Value PLUS Silver
  Custom 5000 w/ MedPlus $500
ded $4,500 IP/OP Bucket
Custom 5000 w/ MedPlus $2,000
ded $3,000 IP/OP Bucket
Blue Custom 5000 
Medical Benefits In-Network Single/Family  In-Network Single/Family In-Network Single/Family
Office Copay (PCP / SPC) $35 / $50 $35 / $50 $35 / $50
Calendar Year Deductible (Individual / Family) $500 / $1,000 $2,000 / $4,000 $5,000 / $10,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum $2,500 / $5,000 $4,000 / $8,000 $7,000 / $14,000
Emergency Room $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Urgent Care $35 Copay $35 Copay $35 Copay
Inpatient Facility $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Outpatient Facility $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Outpatient Diagnostics (X-ray/Lab) $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Outpatient Imaging (MRI, CAT, PET) $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Prescription Drugs  $15 / $60 / $100 / $425  $15 / $60 / $100 / $425 $15 / $60 / $100 / $425

Monthly Medical Premiums

Rates and Enrollment Premier Value PLUS Value
Employee Only $733.67 $701.99 $658.93
Employee + Spouse $1,467.24 $1,397.54 $1,302.81
Employee + Child(ren) $1345.99 $1,287.38 $1,207.72
Family $2,079.60 $1,982.97 $1,851.64

Dental Benefits


AGA offers dental coverage to you through Canopy Dental. Your dental plan provides coverage to help with the cost of many dental services including routine cleanings, x-rays, restorative and prosthetic services. The plan includes an extensive network of dental providers. Maximize your benefits by selecting an in-network dentist to save more on all covered services and avoid balance billing.

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  Canopy (Enhanced) Canopy (Basic)
Out of Network Reimbursement MAC MAC
Deductible  In-Network  In-Network
Individual Deductible $25 single $50 single
Family Deductible $75 family $150 family
Plan Maximum $2,000 $1,500
Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum $2,000 $1,000
Type I - Diagnostics & Preventatives    
Exams, X-Rays, Fluoride, Routine Cleanings, Space Maintainers, Restoration 100% 100%
Waiting Period None None 
Type II - Basic Services    
Filings, Sealants, Simple Extractions, Emergency Treatment, Oral Surgery, Endo/Perio 90% 80%
Waiting Period  None None
Type III - Major Services    
Crowns, On-lays, Surgical Extractions, General Anesthesia  60% 50%
Waiting Period None None
Type IV - Orthodontic Services    
Children Ages 8-19 50% 50%

Monthly Dental Premiums

Rates and Enrollment
Employee Only $38.00 $31.00
Employee + Spouse $75.00 $60.00
Employee + Child(ren) $94.00 $58.00
Family $142.00 $108.00

Vision Benefits


AGA offers vision coverage to you through Canopy (VSP Network). Receive the maximum benefits and pay less out-of-pocket by visiting an in-network provider. The network includes provider access points nationwide. A comprehensive vision exam is available every 12 months and you may purchase eyewear in the form of an eyeglass frame and lenses, or contact lenses.

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Benefits In-Network 
Exams - Once every 12 Months VSP
Eye Exam $10 Copay
Contact Lens Fit & Follow-Up (Standard Fit) Covered in Full
Lenses - Once Every 12 Months  
Single $10 Copay
Bifocal $10 Copay
Trifocal $10 Copay
Lenticular $10 Copay
Elective $130 Allowance
Standard Frames $130 Retails Allowance
Contacts - Once Every 12 Months  
Medically Necessary  Covered in Full
Elective $130 Retails Allowance

Monthly Vision Premiums

Rates and Enrollment Rate
Employee Only $11.23
Employee + Spouse $15.56
Employee + Child(ren) $15.80
Employee + Family $23.03

Medical Benefits


AGA offers two medical plan options administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. Both plans are Preferred Provider Organization plans.

Both plans use the same network of providers who have agreed to charge discounted rates to plan members. The amount you pay for health care will vary depending on whether or not you use in-network providers and facilities. You always have the choice to go to any provider, but you’ll pay less if you stay within the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama network.

  Premier Plan Silver Plan
  In-Network In-Network
Individual $500 $4,000
Family $1,000 $8,000
Coinsurance 20% 20%
Out-of-Pocket Max.    
Individual $2,800 $6,800
Family $5,600 $13,600
Inpatient Services    
Inpatient Facility 20% Coinsurance 20% Coinsurance
Emergency Room 20% Coinsurance 20% Coinsurance
Physician Office Visits    
Preventive Care 100% Covered 100% Covered
Primary Care $45 Copay $45 Copay
Specialist Office $65 Copay $65 Copay
Outpatient Services    
Outpatient Surgical 20% Coinsurance 20% Coinsurance
Diagnostic X-Ray Lab 20% Coinsurance 20% Coinsurance
Mental Health / Substance
20% Coinsurance 20% Coinsurance
Prescription Drug    
Tier 1 $15 Copay $15 Copay
Tier 2 $60 Copay $60 Copay
Tier 3 $100 Copay $100 Copay
Tier 4 $425 Copay $425 Copay

Dental Benefits


AGA offers dental coverage to you through Delta Dental. Your dental plan provides coverage to help with the cost of many dental services including routine cleanings, x-rays, restorative and prosthetic services. The plan includes an extensive network of dental providers. Maximize your benefits by selecting an in-network dentist to save more on all covered services and avoid balance billing.

  Dental Enhanced Plan Dental Basic Plan
Benefits In-Network In-Network
Annual Maximum per Individual $1,500 $750
Type I – Diagnostic & Preventive    
Exams, Cleanings, Flouride Treatment,
Space Maintainers, X-Rays, Sealants
100% 100%
Type II – Basic Services    
Fillings, Simple Extractions, General
Anesthesia, Oral Surgery, Endodontics
80% 80%
Type III – Major Services    
Crowns, Inlays, Onlays, Bridges, Dentures,
Periodontic, Implants, TMJ
50% 50%
Type IV – Orthodontic Services 50% (Child) Not Covered
Calendar Year Deductible Applies to:    
Individual $50 single $50 single
Family $150 family $150 family
Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum $1,000 Not Covered

Vision Benefits


AGA offers vision coverage to you through VSP. Receive the maximum benefits and pay less out-of-pocket by visiting an in-network provider. The network includes provider access points nationwide. A comprehensive vision exam is available every 12 months and you may purchase eyewear in the form of an eyeglass frame and lenses, or contact lenses.

Benefits Class Description In-Network Out-of-Network
Eye Examination    
Comprehensive exam of visual functions and prescription of corrective eye wear. $10 Copay $45 Allowance
Contact Lens Evaluation and Fitting Up to $60 Copay Not Covered
Elective $130 Allowance $105 Allowance
Medically Necessary Covered in full $210 Allowance
Materials/ Eye wear    
Single Vision Eyeglass Lenses $25 Copay $30 Allowance
Lined Bifocal Eyeglass Lenses $25 Copay $50 Allowance
Lined Trifocal Eyeglass Lenses $25 Copay $60 Allowance
Lenticular Eyeglass Lenses $25 Copay $100 Allowance
Frame Allowance    
Standard Frame $130 Allowance + 20% off balance $70 Allowance
Lens Upgrades    
PolyCarbonate (single vision/multi-vision) $31 / $35 Not Covered
Anti-Reflective (single vision/multi-vision) $41 / $41 Not Covered
Scratch Resistant (single vision/multi-vision) $17 / $17 Not Covered
Transitions / Photochromic (single vision/multi-vision) $75 / $75 $70 Allowance
Progressive Lenses    
Tier 1 No-Copay Not Covered
Tier 2 $95-$105 Not Covered
Tier 3 $150-$175 Not Covered
Laser Vision Correction 15% off Laser Correction 15% off Laser Correction

For Employee Contribution Inquiries please reach out to your Southview Benefits consultant

Patrick Pittman:
(205) 215-8152


Medical Benefits


AGA offers three medical plan options administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. All plans are Preferred Provider Organization plans.

All plans use the same network of providers who have agreed to charge discounted rates to plan members. The amount you pay for health care will vary depending on whether or not you use in-network providers and facilities. You always have the choice to go to any provider, but you’ll pay less if you stay within the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama network.

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  Premier Value PLUS Silver
Medical Benefits In-Network Single/Family  In-Network Single/Family In-Network Single/Family
Office Copay (PCP / SPC) $35 / $50 $35 / $50 $35 / $50
Calendar Year Deductible (Individual / Family) $500 / $1,000 $2,000 / $4,000 $5,000 / $10,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum $2,500 / $5,000 $4,000 / $8,000 $7,000 / $14,000
Urgent Care $35 Copay $35 Copay $35 Copay
Inpatient Facility $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Outpatient Facility $500 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $4,500 $2,000 CYD, then GAP Pays Up to $3,000 80% coinsurance subject to CYD
Prescription Drugs  $15 / $60 / $100 / $425  $15 / $60 / $100 / $425 $15 / $60 / $100 / $425

Monthly Medical Premiums

Rates and Enrollment Premier Value PLUS Value
Employee Only $733.67 $701.99 $658.93
Employee + Spouse $1,467.24 $1,397.54 $1,302.81
Employee + Child(ren) $1345.99 $1,287.38 $1,207.72
Family $2,079.60 $1,982.97 $1,851.64

Dental Benefits


AGA offers dental coverage to you through Canopy Dental. Your dental plan provides coverage to help with the cost of many dental services including routine cleanings, x-rays, restorative and prosthetic services. The plan includes an extensive network of dental providers. Maximize your benefits by selecting an in-network dentist to save more on all covered services and avoid balance billing.

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  Canopy (Enhanced) Canopy (Basic)
Out of Network Reimbursement MAC MAC
Deductible  In-Network  In-Network
Individual Deductible $25 single $50 single
Family Deductible $75 family $150 family
Maximums $2,000 $1,500
Type I - Diagnostics & Preventatives 100% 100% 
Type II - Basic Services 90%  80% 
Type III - Major Services 60%  50% 
Type IV - Orthodontic Services  50% 50% 

Monthly Dental Premiums

Rates and Enrollment
Employee Only $38.00 $31.00
Employee + Spouse $75.00 $60.00
Employee + Child(ren) $94.00 $58.00
Family $142.00 $108.00

Vision Benefits


AGA offers vision coverage to you through Canopy (VSP Network). Receive the maximum benefits and pay less out-of-pocket by visiting an in-network provider. The network includes provider access points nationwide. A comprehensive vision exam is available every 12 months and you may purchase eyewear in the form of an eyeglass frame and lenses, or contact lenses.

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Benefits In-Network 
Exams - Once every 12 Months VSP
Eye Exam $10 Copay
Contact Lens Fit & Follow-Up (Standard Fit) Covered in Full
Lenses - Once Every 12 Months  
Single $10 Copay
Bifocal $10 Copay
Trifocal $10 Copay
Lenticular $10 Copay
Elective $130 Allowance
Standard Frames $130 Retails Allowance
Contacts - Once Every 12 Months  
Medically Necessary  Covered in Full
Elective $130 Retails Allowance

Monthly Vision Premiums

Rates and Enrollment Rate
Employee Only $11.23
Employee + Spouse $15.56
Employee + Child(ren) $15.80
Employee + Family $23.03